What is R-Value?
The R-value is a measure of the insulation batt's resistance to heat flow, also known as thermal resistance. The greater the R-value, the greater the resistance to heat transfer, and the greater the insulating effect and subsequent energy savings.
When it comes to choosing the right installation for your home, it is not the thickness of the product or the type of material that counts, but the R-value.
A holistic approach to insulation
In order to get the most benefit from insulation it is important that a holistic approach is taken to address heat gain through windows, skylights and other penetrations. Shutters, deciduous trees and internal fixtures such as blinds or curtains can be used to reduce heat gain and loss, in combination with appropriate and thorough insulation.
Climate zones affect the levels and type of insulation. The purpose of the insulation, whether it be to keep the heat in or out (or both) will affect the R-Value required. As a general rule, climates that need to keep the heat in, require higher R-Values.
Zone 1: High humidity summer, warm winter
Zone 2: Warm humid summer, mild winter
Zone 3: Hot dry summer, warm winter
Zone 4: Hot dry summer, cool winter
Zone 5: Warm temperate
Zone 6: Mild temperate
Zone 7: Cool temperate
Zone 8: Alpine